Portable EV Charger


Yes, portable EV chargers are safe to use. They typically operate at 240V or 120V, posing no risk to your vehicle.

Yes, you can use a Level 1 charger with a common 5-15R outlet at home without extra installation costs. For Level 2 chargers, which use a 14-50P plug, you might need to install a suitable outlet, which could cost extra.

Level 1 chargers don’t require installation costs as they use standard 120V outlets. Installing a Level 2 charger typically costs between $300 and $600, depending on whether you already have a 240V outlet in your garage.

The maximum charging power for portable EV chargers is 9.6kW, which can add up to 30 miles of range per hour.

There is no difference; they are just different terms for the same product.

No, they vary mainly in their rated current. Common ratings are 15A, 32A, and 40A, which affect charging speeds and compatibility with different outlets.

What is a Portable EV Charger

What is a Portable EV Charger?

A portable EV charger, also known as a mobile EV charger, is a device that lets you charge your electric vehicle (EV) wherever there's an electrical outlet. There are three main types of EV chargers: portable chargers, home chargers, and supercharger stations. The biggest advantage of a portable EV charger is its portability. These chargers are typically small and lightweight, so you can easily carry one in your car’s trunk and use it whenever you need to charge your EV.


What to Consider When Buying a Mobile EV Charger

Cable Length and Portability

When buying an EV charger, consider the cable length. The cable is the heaviest part of the charger, so if it’s too long, it can make the charger less portable. If the cable is too short, it might be inconvenient to use. Most EVs are about 16 feet long, with charging ports either at the front or back. Therefore, a charger with a cable shorter than 16 feet is usually ideal, as it balances convenience and portability.

Display and Customization Features

A clear display is essential. It provides real-time feedback on the charger's status, showing information like current flow and any issues. Not all outlets are the same, so a good display can tell you if the circuit is grounded and if the voltage and current are stable.

Having the Right Plugs and Outlets

The most common plugs for portable EV chargers are 14-50P and 5-15P. The 5-15P plug is common in the U.S., but it’s rated for 15A, which means slower charging (about 10 miles of range per hour). The 14-50P plug supports up to 50A but isn’t as common. Many people buy a 5-15P to 14-50R adapter cable to use with different outlets.


Most EV chargers come with a one-year warranty, but some brands offer a two-year warranty. A longer warranty often means the manufacturer has more confidence in their product’s quality, making it a better choice.


If you need to charge your EV outdoors, you’ll want a charger that’s weatherproof. Look for chargers with a weatherproof rating of at least IP56 to ensure they can handle rain and other elements.

Charging Speed

Charging speed depends on the charger’s current and voltage. Common voltages are 240V and 120V, and typical currents are 15A, 32A, and 40A. Chargers over 15A usually need a 240V outlet, which can be less common and reduce portability. A 15A charger for 120V outlets, which are everywhere, is often the best choice for portability.


Do I Need a Portable EV Charger?

Yes, having a portable EV charger is very convenient. A 40A portable charger, for example, can quickly charge your EV at home, adding about 30 miles of range per hour. For road trips, you can use an adapter cable (14-50R to 5-15P) to charge at 15A if needed.


What Types of Portable EV Chargers Are There?

In the U.S., portable EV chargers are generally split into two categories: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 chargers have a maximum charging power of 1.8kW and work with 120V outlets using a 5-15P plug. Level 2 chargers have a maximum charging power of 9.6kW and need 240V outlets with a 14-50P plug.